CRT Series

Critical Race Theory Examined

Series Endorsements

I highly recommend Travis McNeely's and Randy Trahan's video series on Critical Race Theory. As a lifelong Southern Baptist myself, it helped clearly explain to me this growing threat to the SBC. Many of my readers and listeners are also concerned about CRT creeping into their churches, and this series has been a useful resource to put into their hands to help them inform themselves and alert their pastors.

 - Michelle Lesley - women's discipleship blogger, podcaster, and speaker.

Like David Horowitz, Professor Randy Trahan comes from the background he now critiques. A former Neo-Marxist, now a believing Christian, Trahan succinctly and incisively explains the dangers of Critical Race Theory and Intersectionality, the tip of the Marxist spear in today’s church. Every Christian, and certainly every Southern Baptist, should take heed.

 - Rod Martin, Entrepreneur, Futurist, Philosopher Capitalist

Small Group Study of Critical Race Theory

It has been a few months since Professor Trahan and I released our Critical Race Theory series. It has been exciting to see the response from so many of you.

Since the release of the videos, I have had numerous requests to make this into a series that small groups can walk through together. At this point, I’m not sure small group material has been made that is in opposition to Critical Race Theory.

If you click the link below so you can access the Discussion Guide created by both Benjamin Lesley and myself. I have listed all six episodes below for your convenience. 

Click the images below to begin watching an episode.

A Former Critical Theorist Tells His Story (CRT Series: Episode 1)

A former Critical Theorist, now Christian, tells his story and this first episode begins a 6 part series informing his fellow Christians of the dangers of Critical Race Theory & Intersectionality. With the election of Joe Biden, there has been mandated Critical Race Theory training in workplaces and public schools/universities. If you don’t understand Critical Theory, consider hearing from the life experience of this law professor who wants to warn you of how serious of a problem this is. 

As you’ll see in this episode, Critical Race Theory is a dangerous ideology that is contrary to the Gospel. It is a whole different worldview. It has not only infiltrated our institutions of higher education but also our politics: Critical Race Theory has invaded the Federal Government! Watch this episode to better understand the background of this ideology. 

9 Problems with Critical Race Theory. (CRT Series Episode 3) by Professor Randy Trahan

The Problems with Critical Race Theory can be summarized into 3 points for Western Civilization as a whole & 6 points specifically as it relates to Evangelical Christianity. Professor Trahan of the LSU Law center continues his series on CRT. In Part III, the problems are listed out and contrasted with the Christian worldview. 

SEBTS, SBTS, NAMB, CRU, & many other Organizations have positively released content about CRT. Seeing these once biblically faithful institutions fall by the wayside it saddens us to display this content, but for the health of the church, we have no problem naming names, precisely because these things that are being said have been on repeat for a few years now. Many push back and say they aren’t not teaching Critical Race Theory and are only teaching, “Social Justice.” Some come right out and acknowledge the racial categories services from CRT.

Where Do We See Critical Race Theory in Evangelical Institutions Today? (Ep. 4) by Randy Trahan

Episode 4 - Critical Race Theory in Evangelicalism

Where Do We See Critical Race Theory in Evangelical Institutions Today? (Ep. 4) by Randy Trahan

Episode 5 - Critical Race Theory as an Analytical Tool

How are Analytical Tools typically used? Listen to what this Marxist says about it: 

"Marxism presents the best analysis of the oppression-liberation conflict in terms of class struggle. So the liberation theologian must be committed to Marxism at least as an "analytical tool," at most to socialist revolution as such." 

-Gustavo Gutierrez, Latin American Liberation Theologian

What is the role of Scripture in this CRT Debate? The Sufficiency of Scripture is an important doctrine to consider as we think about how to respond to challenges to the faith from the outside.

Where Do We See Critical Race Theory in Evangelical Institutions Today? (Ep. 4) by Randy Trahan

Episode 6 - A Christian Response to Critical Race Theory: The Sufficiency of Scripture

Comments on the Series

"Critical theorists want everyone to obey them (thus becoming the very thing they criticize). That's my fundamental understanding of critical theorists' end-game. I did learn some things from Professor Randy Trahan today. I'm glad he mentioned that the ultimate power structure is the hegemony of the Biblical God. Thank you, Travis, for trying to help people understand what is happening in the culture, and that the solution is everyone obeying the Biblical God."

Thomas Chip Good, YouTube Comment

"Very helpful to hear the explanation of the "new sins" that CRT identifies. It has been mystifying to me when Christians repent of being complicit in racism or of their privileges whether "white privilege" or otherwise. It just seemed weird to me that they are confessing to things that just a few years ago were not considered "sins." This whole series has been very helpful and is clearly communicated. I appreciate the work, editing, filming, and the clarity and charity with which Prof. Trahan spoke. thank you!

Louie Q, YouTube Comment

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