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Stephen Hawking Dead at 76. A Twofold Tragedy.

March 13, 2019

Stephen Hawking died Wednesday as reported by the Huffington Post, "after complications due to amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, a progressive neurodegenerative disease." As a world-renowned astrophysicist and atheist, Hawking has had a tremendous influence extending from the scientific community among many secularists. He has been so influential that even Hollywood made a movie about him. He is looked to as an authority for the scientific community--dare I say it--a pope of sorts.When it came to matters of science he had authority to speak in this realm and did so with wide and nearly unanimous support from the scientific community. He will be greatly missed by this community, because of their view of his brilliant mind.As a Christian reflecting briefly on the death of such an influential figure. There is no doubt in my mind that he is an incredible scientist worthy of any accolades that have specifically to do with science itself (and not with philosophy or theology). I do not rejoice in the death of someone whose worldview is opposed to my own. As the Lord declares:



Have I any pleasure in the death of the wicked, declares the Lord GOD, and not rather that he should turn from his way and live? (Ezekiel 18:23)


To rejoice would be both a sick and anti-Christian thing to do. This man suffered much from a disease and his family is grieving the loss of his life. Although it is very unlikely that a grieving family member of Hawking would come across this blog on the world wide web, I hope to note that this is indeed a tragedy on two levels.Hawking at his 70th birthday celebration said as motivation to others from his life of suffering:



"Remember to look up at the stars and not down at your feet,” he said. “Try to make sense of what you see and about what makes the universe exist. Be curious. And however difficult life may seem, there is always something you can do, and succeed at. It matters that you don’t just give up.”


 While all of this was intended to be motivating to those listening, my underlying question to his statement is: Why ?



Why should I be curious, if life is mere accident and struggle for survival?


Why should I look at the Stars? Who or What from above could give me meaning?


Why should I go on, if there is no purpose to life?


 If it matters that [I] don't just give up , then what is that underlying reason that makes it ALL matter, that makes it ALL worth not giving up!?In the Huffington Post article the author closes with these two paragraphs.



 In 2011, Hawking appeared on the Discovery Channel TV series “Curiosity,” in which he reflected on the origins of the universe and rejected the likelihood of both a God and an afterlife. (He once dismissed the latter as “a fairy story for people afraid of the dark.”) Only in confronting the finite nature of death, he said, do we appreciate the remarkable beauty of life in the present.


 “There is probably no heaven, and no afterlife either,” Hawking said. “We have this one life to appreciate the grand design of the universe, and for that, I am extremely grateful.”


 Although I know Hawking has given reasons to why he has chosen to use the phrase "grand design of the universe" and does not attribute God as the Designer, one must ask that which is implied by the term design--"Who is the Grand Designer?" Why should we appreciate or be grateful when their is no object to which we can direct that thanks.You, the reader, may notice the word appreciate in bold above--the emphasis is my own. How can "the remarkable beauty of life in the present" be appreciated when the object is void of purpose from the atheistic worldview? G. K. Chesterton stated it well when he said, “The worst moment for an atheist is when he is really thankful and has no one to thank.” 


 Does he thank the universe? How can he, the universe is not personal. It is space, time and matter. It didn't do anything, it just is. This worldview is devoid of so much and hear me, I'm not here to attack Hawking--I genuinely am grieved by the loss of life. Nevertheless in grace and truth I cannot avoid this opportunity to speak the truth. Life is absurd without God. If you (atheist/agnostic) disagree, let me encourage you to watch the below video and lay aside for a moment your assumptions and be willing to listen to not only one of the world's best Christian philosophers, but also your atheistic heroes of history--Bertrand Russell, Jean Paul Sartre, and others.

Hawking's death is a tragedy because of his dignity and value as a human being, it was not part of God's original design for his creation to suffer as it has. Hawking's death, like all death is a reminder to us that paradise was lost to us at the Fall. But God has spoken  . He has done so in Christ. Jesus Christ, the Son of God, the firstborn from the dead (Col. 1:18), has defeated our final enemy--Death. As attested by 500+ eyewitnesses , he arose from the grave bodily and has given us hope beyond the grave by means of this victory.This hope was rejected by Hawking. One that he very well now realizes is too late to accept, which leads to the second part of this twofold tragedy: that this man has entered a Christ-less eternity. Let us mourn over this twofold tragedy, a life of suffering and an eternity of it. God never intended this to be his destination, but nonetheless, he (Hawking) chose it. He rejected God's free and gracious offer of redemption.For you unbeliever, this is an opportunity for you to examine yourself and ask: "Is a worldview that is both absurd and devoid of meaning really worth living out?" Before you scoff at my question--as someone who has thoroughly sought answers in these matters, let me plead with you: Seek the Lord and you will not be disappointed. Seek the Lord and be diligent in doing so and He will reveal Himself to you. The cumulative evidence is so incredibly strong that the plausibility and reasonableness of God's existence is worth your consideration. I beg you to do so. Before it is too late.

Christianity, if false, is of no importance  , and if true, of infinite importance. The only thing it cannot be is moderately important . - C. S. Lewis 

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December 1, 2023
One must divert their gaze from Jesus to justify violence within the framework of Christianity. The strict adherence to Jesus' teachings simply provides no foundation for violence. Conversely, to argue that Islam is a religion of peace, one must divert attention from Muhammad. He insists that a true Muslim must engage in Jihad or, at the very least, express a desire for it; failing to do so designates one as a hypocrite. As Nabeel Qureshi so eloquently raises in his book "No God but One: Allah or Jesus?", this contrast invites deep contemplation. This is part of the reality of what is happening in Israel between Hamas and the Israelites. Muslims are engaging in Jihad. The ultimate goal for them is religious and political domination for the sake of their false god. And the stories coming out of southern Israel are gruesome and brutal to say the least. Muslims are attacking and killing the Jewish people. People everywhere look on with horror to what is happening--unless they are Progressives from Harvard or the leadership of BLM. Christians especially find this deeply unsettling, because God hates this violence rooted in a demonic ideology. This incident provides a somber glimpse into the complex aspects of various faiths. Hatred, at times, seems to manifest itself most violently through acts of murder. In today's supposedly "inclusive" culture, some accuse Christianity of harboring hatred. Yet, let's delve into the teachings of Jesus concerning the treatment of adversaries. In His Sermon on the Mount, He states: “You have heard that it was said, ‘You shall love your neighbor and hate your enemy.’ But I say to you, Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, so that you may be sons of your Father who is in heaven. For He makes His sun rise on the evil and the good, and sends rain on the just and the unjust. For if you love those who love you, what reward do you have? Do not even the tax collectors do the same? And if you greet only your brothers, what more are you doing than others? Do not even the Gentiles do the same? You, therefore, must be perfect, as your heavenly Father is perfect." (Matthew 5:43-48, ESV) Accusations of hatred are often hurled at Christians for simply disagreeing with others in the modern era. However, we do not advocate or condone heinous acts such as beheadings as retribution for slights against our faith. Regrettably, this is a stark contrast with some elements within the Islamic faith, which teaches the promotion of Jihad and the defense of the honor of the prophet Muhammad. So, what is Jihad? Literally, it means ‘to strive’ or ‘to exert to the utmost.’ In Islamic terms, it encompasses all forms of striving, including armed conflict, with the aim of establishing the dominion of Allah. Jihad is fueled by a powerful mix of hatred and the goal of destroying perceived enemies. The presence of such animosity naturally raises questions about the prevailing notion that Islam is a "religion of peace." Peace and hatred are intrinsically incompatible. What does the Quran, the central religious text of Islam, have to say about this? William Lane Craig, in his comparative analysis of Islam and Christianity, extracts revealing verses from the Quran regarding Allah's aversion to sinners: According to the Quran, God does not love sinners. This assertion is reiterated repeatedly and consistently throughout its verses. Consider these passages: “God loves not the unbelievers” (III.33) "God loves not the impious and sinners" (II.277) “God loves not evildoers” (III. 58) “God loves not the proud” (IV. 37) “God loves not transgressors” (V. 88) “God loves not the prodigal” (VI. 142) “God loves not the treacherous” (VIII.59) “God is an enemy to unbelievers” (II. 99) These Quranic verses establish a stark contrast with the Christian belief in a loving God who sent His Son to die for the salvation of sinners. This seeming paradox is resolved when one understands that, in the Quran, God’s mercy is contingent upon belief and good deeds. In essence, one receives what they earn, along with bonuses, if they meet the requirements. This perspective sharply contrasts with the Christian doctrine of grace. To those who believe and do righteous deeds, God will assign love. (Quran 19.97) Now, why do these misconceptions persist? The notion of Islamic peace remains obscured, particularly in Western societies, due to the influence of Neo-Marxist ideologies, including Critical Theory. These ideologies often depict the foundational Christian principles of Western culture as oppressive, deny the existence of absolute truth, and assert moral equivalence among all cultures, even those advocating violent responses to perceived affronts. These misconceptions endure because many in our society prioritize feelings over facts, avoiding offense rather than seeking truth. However, we must champion the truth. Christianity provides a moral and religious foundation for this. The truth is not merely an ideal but a Person, as stated in John 14:6: "I am the way, and the truth, and the life." The truth, in this context, is clear: Islam, as practiced in some quarters, poses dangers. The West must confront this issue by adopting a biblical worldview, enabling us to acknowledge it for what it is—a religious system with differing views on holiness, sin, righteousness, judgment, forgiveness, and salvation. It's a belief system (often fatalistic) incapable of bringing the deep peace humanity yearns for. True peace is discovered in Jesus Christ, the Prince of Peace. As Romans 5:8 declares, "But God demonstrates His love for us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us." The love of Christ can transform those who advance Jihad and those who adhere to postmodernist worldviews, both searching for truth and peace. Christ's sacrificial love on the cross paved the way for all to know God and have their sins forgiven. It offers a firm foundation based on the love of God in Christ Jesus. Only through this foundation can we hope to address and dispel the untruths surrounding the concept of Islamic peace. Let us remember, as Romans 5:1 asserts, "Therefore, since we have been justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ." True and lasting peace is found in Jesus Christ, the ultimate source of grace and love. May all, including Muslims and people of all backgrounds, seek and find Him, for in Him, they shall discover the true peace that transcends all understanding. May the lies of Islamic peace no longer persist, but let this incident be used of God to expose the dangers of Islam! As Scripture says, "Take no part in the unfruitful works of darkness, but instead expose them" (Eph. 5:11).
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